12 East 67th Street. Officers' Club, dining room.
12 East 67th Street. Officers' Club, lounging room north.
12 East 67th Street. Officers' Club, lounging room south.
115 East 67th Street. Garden court.
115 East 67th Street. Garden from 67th Street through arches.
115 East 67th Street. Rockefeller apartment.
43 East 67th Street. Brownstone residence.
41 East 67th Street.
[115 East 67th Street. Well in garden.]
2 East 67th Street. Apartments.
115 East 67th Street. Lobby.
10 East 67th Street. Residence.
33 East 67th Street. Residence.
[115 East 67th Street. Garden from 67th Street through arches.]
East 64th-67th Streets. Rockefeller Institute, from Blackwell's Island, exterior.
49 East 67th Street. General exterior.
655 Park Avenue. Detail of roof garden on top of 67th Street building.
13 East 67th Street. Martin Beck residence.