Debutante gown in white silk organza over white silk taffeta with applied stemmed roses
Ball gown in Chantilly lace over silver-white duchesse silk satin
Debutante gown in ivory peau-de-soie with applied silver beads, rhinestones and iridescent sequins
Ball gown in white net with applied white ostrich feathers and pink roses
Evening gown in iridescent pastel lozenge-patterned pave sequined chiffon
Dinner dress in pink and white peau de soie
Strapless ball gown in white organza
Cocktail dress in shocking pink foliate print on white slubbed silk broadcloth ground
Strapless evening dress in white-on-white dotted organdy
Hostess gown in white and citron yellow silk crepe
Evening gown in white silk chiffon
Cocktail dress in black slubbed silk printed in pink, white and green rose pattern
Evening gown in grey-silver silk taffeta
Evening ensemble in Indian sari silk comprising gown and bolero
Suit in off-white basketweave mohair comprising jacket, blouse and skirt
Evening gown in deep blue satin silk
Two-piece ball gown in blue-purple ribbed silk
Evening gown in golden yellow brocaded damask
Cocktail dress in black hard twist wool spot-patterned plain-weave crepe
Evening dress in ruby silk velvet with off-white silk roses