Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Dining room.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Library toward side wall shelves.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Library toward windows.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Living room toward fireplace.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Living room toward book shelves.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence]. Upper hall.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Upper hall.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Entrance hall.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. General view of stair hall.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence]. Entrance hall.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Library, direct view to fireplace.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Library to corner.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Staircase.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Entrance hall looking out.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Mirror detail in stair hall.
Cosmopolitan Club. Entrance hall vertical.
Bernard Benson [residence]. Entrance hall thru arch.
Cosmopolitan Club. Entrance hall II horizontal.
W. S. Hobart Jr. [residence]. Dining room.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence]. Dining room toward dresser.