Forest Hills set. Gates toward Kuhn house.
Forest Hills set. Detail. Kuhn's gazebo.
Forest Hills set. Gates to the garden horizontal.
Forest Hills set. #6 Continental Avenue gate.
Forest Hills set. #17 sign and tower.
Forest Hills set. Archway and house.
Forest Hills set. Middlemay Circle.
Forest Hills set. Tower from the Green.
Forest Hills set. Twin Houses #4.
Forest Hills set. Mrs. Pierce #5.
Forest Hills set. Crescent from opposite.
Forest Hills set. Tea Garden fountain.
Forest Hills set. #16 Tower from [the] Green.
Forest Hills set. Crescent from side.
Forest Hills set. Tennis Club entrance.
Forest Hills. Detail gate and bay window of Beech Knoll group.
Forest Hills set. Exterior #8 Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Tower from station platform.
Forest Hills set. Three gateways on Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Vert[ical] detail, Christian residence.