Forest Hills set. Crescent from opposite.
Forest Hills set. Two gables in Slocum Crescent.
Forest Hills set. Middlemay Circle.
Forest Hills set. Tower from the Green.
Forest Hills set. Tower from station platform.
Forest Hills set. Twin Houses #4.
Forest Hills set. Mrs. Pierce #5.
Forest Hills set. Tea Garden fountain.
Forest Hills set. #16 Tower from [the] Green.
Forest Hills set. Archway and house.
Forest Hills set. Detail. Kuhn's gazebo.
Forest Hills set. Tennis Club entrance.
Forest Hills set. #6 Continental Avenue gate.
Forest Hills set. Kuhn's Pergola and gates.
Forest Hills set. #17 sign and tower.
Forest Hills set. Exterior #8 Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Gates toward Kuhn house.
Forest Hills set. Three gateways on Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Vert[ical] detail, Christian residence.
Forest Hills set. Gates to the garden horizontal.