Walter Rothschild [residence]. Living room to sofa.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dining room to fireplace.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Detail, dining room fireplace.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Library to fireplace, sharp lighting.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dining room to rear wall.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dog room.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Library to desk.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Entrance hall.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Richard F. Lawrence [residence]. Living room toward fireplace.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Living room toward fireplace.
Richard Bernhard [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence]. End wall of living room.
E.E. Gauche [residence]. Living room fireplace sharp.
Miss Emily Trevor [residence]. Drawing room fireplace.
Richard F. Lawrence [residence]. Vista thru living room to dining room.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence]. Dining room toward fireplace.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence]. Fireplace in living room.
Charles S. MacVeigh [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Mrs. R. Eldridge [residence]. Living room corner.