5th Avenue and 68th Street. Whitney Residence.
1082 5th Avenue. Charles Phillips residence, interior.
1082 5th Avenue. Charles Phillips residence, bookcases.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, conservatory.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, hall.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, boudoir.
883 5th Avenue. Griswold residence.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, drawing room.
91st Street and 5th Avenue. Kahn residence.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, entrance hall.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, dining room.
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Wm. C. Whitney residence.
935 5th Avenue. Mr. S. Reading Berton residence.
1056 5th Avenue. General exterior, residence.
1082 5th Avenue. Park view [from] Charles Phillips residence.
993 5th Avenue. H. Reisinger residence, boys' lounging room.
945 5th Avenue. Apartments.