Lincoln School for Nursing. Vertical detail III.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Vertical detail II.
Lincoln School for Nursing. General exterior from southwest on elevation.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Entrance detail with door.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Auditorium.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Lobby.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Undergraduate dining room.
Lincoln School for Nursing, 141st Street and Southern Boulevard, NYC. General exterior facing south from elevation.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Loggia.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Science laboratory.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Cooking laboratory.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Sixth floor lounge.
Lincoln School for Nursing. Demonstration class room.
Lincoln School for Nursing, 141st Street and Southern Boulevard, NYC. Entrance detail with lamps.
Brooklyn Law School. Entrance detail vertical with figures.
Brooklyn Law School. Entrance detail vertical without figures.
Brooklyn Law School. Auditorium window detail.
Brooklyn Law School. Detail of entrance panels.
Vernon C. Brown Mausoleum. Detail of door arch upper half, 4:00 p.m.
Mrs. Spence's School. Vertical window detail principal study.