Chanin Building, 2nd position. General exterior.
Chanin Building, 1st position. General exterior.
Chanin Building, 1st position, 42nd St. and Lexington Ave. General exterior.
Chanin Building. From 42nd Street east of Third Avenue, at 1:15 p.m.
Chanin Building. From 42nd Street east of Third Avenue, at noon.
Chanin Building. From Tudor City.
Chanin Building. From 38th Street and Lexington Avenue, 3 p.m.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Station, Chanin Building. From stairway to entrance doors.
Graybar & New York Central Buildings. New York City views.
From Chrysler Building Daily News Building East River
Buildings, 50 East 42nd Street.
Chanin Building. From Second Avenue.
McGraw-Hill Building. Up shot from 42nd Street.
Chanin Building, 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue, N.Y.C. From 38th Street and Lexington Avenue.
Buildings, Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.
42nd Street from Tudor City