James Cushman [residence]. Rear fireplace and window.
James Cushman [residence].Chinese chest and painting.
James Cushman [residence]. Tapestry and jade chest.
James Cushman [residence]. Library alcove.
James Cushman [residence]. Tapestry sofa.
James Cushman [residence]. Entrance foyer.
James Cushman [residence]. Living room from rear to front.
James Cushman [residence]. Library to fireplace.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Chest window and bookshelves.
Thomas Cochrane [residence]. Dining room to windows.
Thomas Cochrane [residence]. Table, lamp, chest and painting.
Hugh Baker [residence]. View out stairhall window.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. Living room corner.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Vertical small windows.
Hugh Baker [residence]. Sun room.
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Dining room toward fireplace and window.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room II.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room III.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Fireplace dining room.
Harold C. Richard [residence]. Bedroom, four windows.