New York City views. Looking south from 10 East 40th Street, 38th floor.
New York City views. Clouds over Hudson River, from 10 East 40th Street.
10 East 40th Street, NYC. From 45th story, Lincoln Building II.
New York City views. New York Life Building.
10 East 40th Street. Gargoyle at 38th Story.
10 East 40th Street. General view from seventh floor, Buckley Newhall building.
10 East 40th Street, NYC. From 45th story, Lincoln Building I.
10 East 40th Street. Eagle at 38th story.
From Empire State -- looking S.E. to 3 Bridges
10 East 40th Street, NYC. Upper part from Lincoln Building.
10 East 40th Street, New York City. General view of lobby.
Aerial view of lower Manhattan from Madison Square
New York City views. Bow of Count Luckner's "Mopelia".
10 East 40th Street, New York City. Entrance detail.
10 East 40th Street, New York City. View from Park Avenue and 39th Street.
View-Manhattan-1913 S.E. from 6th Ave. & 34th St.
New York City views. Looking south from Tudor City, night view.
View looking north and west, probably from Empire State Building.