J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Stairhall toward entrance door.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Bedroom toward windows.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Stairhall toward dining room.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Dining room toward window.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Bedroom desk and fireplace.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Dining room showing two doorways.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Dining room, sunlighted window and chair, fireplace sharp.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Vista thru dining room door.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Close up living room window.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Window, door and ship model, living room.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Stairwell.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Sunlighted dining room window.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Bookcases, door and model, living room.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Corner living room and part of large window.
Jackson E. Reynolds [residence]. Stair hall toward living room, door open.
Jackson E. Reynolds [residence]. Stair hall toward living room.
J.A. Reynolds [residence]. Sunlighted living room window 2, horizontal.
Jackson E. Reynolds [residence]. Dining room, general from pantry.
J.A. Reynolds [residence], 33 Beekman Place, NYC. Sunlighted living room window 1, vertical.
Carroll Carstairs [residence]. Entrance hall vista to library II.