New York City views. Sherry-Netherlander, Savoy Plaza, Savoy from park.
New York City views. Midtown skyline from Central Park at 85th Street.
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands, open view.
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands, between two tiers.
New York City views. Central Park view (FP.1).
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands group framed in pergola, 2.
New York City views. From roof of 63rd Street Y.M.C.A. toward Savoy Plaza [Hotel].
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands group framed in pergola, 1.
[Central Park at night]
New York City views from Central Park. Across lake at 77th Street IV.
New York City views from Central Park. Across park at 77th Street III.
New York City views from Central Park. Across lake at 77th Street V.
New York City views from Central Park. Across lake at 77th Street I.
New York City views from Central Park. Across lake at 77th Street II.
Views from 80th Street and East River. View southwest skyline.
New York City views. Central Park view (FP2).
New York City views from Central Park. Park and 59th Street buildings.
[The pond and Central Park South]
Central Park at 59th Street, Showing Hotels Plaza, Savoy-Plaza-Sherry Netherlands and Pierre at Night.
[Central Park and 5th Avenue at 60th Street]