Spence School. East end of library with students.
Spence School. Corner windows of library, 2.
Spence School. Corner windows of library, 1.
Spence School. East end of library - no figures.
Spence School. Latin class.
The Spence School. General view of library.
Spence School. Chemical laboratory toward tables.
Spence School. Miss Sondergaard's room.
The Spence School. Detail of window in library.
Spence School. Nature class seated at table.
Spence School. Bedroom #801
Spence School. Bedroom #711
Spence School. Art class room, group 2.
Spence School. Chemical laboratory toward blackboard.
Mrs. Spence's School. Gymnasium.
Mrs. Spence's School. Fourth floor corridor.
Mrs. Spence's School. School bank.
Spence School. Detail of stair hall, second floor.
Mrs. Spence's School. Alumni room.