Beaux Arts Apartments. Detail of restaurant.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Entrance to restaurant.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Detail of 307 East 44th Street entrance door.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Lobby detail of 307 East 44th Street.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Entrance detail of 307 [East 44th Street] - 2.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Sofa detail in lobby of 310 East 44th Street.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Entrance detail of 310 East 44th Street.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Entrance detail of 307 [East 44th Street] - 1.
Beaux Arts Apartments. 310 East 44th Street, from west.
Miss Emily Trevor [residence]. Detail of elevator door and stairs.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Upper part of 307 and 310 East 44th Street.
Beaux Arts Apartments. Sharp view of 307 [East 44th Street] and 310.
Beaux Arts Apartments, 307 and 310 East 44th Street. Restaurant, general view.
River House. Entrance foyer, detail of garden door.
Beaux Arts Apartments. 307 and 310 East 44th Street, N.Y.C. General view from East of #307 and 310.
River House. Entrance doors thru north pillars.
River House. Entrance detail.
River House. Entrance gates and vista to entrance doors.
Exterior, 17 West 54th Street Apartments.