Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Bedroom I.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Living room secretary.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Dining room.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Hall toward front.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Hall toward rear.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Sitting room.
Gardner B. Perry [residence]. Exterior, 2.
Gardner B. Perry [residence], 146 Whitestone Avenue, Flushing, L.I. Exterior, 1.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Living room west fireplace.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Living room bay window.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Living room to portrait.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Living room to books.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Delphinium detail.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. House between two trees.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Locust trees and path up to house.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Bay thru pergola.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. Dining room to side board.
Charles G. Meyer [residence]. House sharp and entrance road.
Rex Cole [showroom]. View of front and side.