Long Island City. House of Rhodes. View of factory
Long Island City. Factory building with rail yard in foreground
9th and 10th Street and Van Alst Avenue. Long Island City Post office, general view.
Neptune Meter Company foundry. Long Island City
W. D. Wilson & Co. Printing Ink Factory, West Avenue, Long Island City
Freeman Avenue. Long Island City. Pierce Arrow Service Station.
Long Island City 1898.
Tompkins-Kiel Marble Works #775 Vernon Ave. Long Island City N.Y.
Street Scenes, Long Island City.
Long Island City. Con Edison. Interior, furnaces
Street Scenes - 1898. Long Island City.
45-55 Pearson Street. Ludwig Bauman and Co., warehouse, detail R.R. siding looking N.W..
Hunters Point Avenue and 32nd Place. Plot at N.E. corner factory, view looking N.E. along west wall of adjoining building near center of same.
Long Island Expressway. Park City Estates, detail section of front balcony, N.W. building.
Tompkins-Kiel Marble Works. #775 Vernon Ave. Long Island City N.Y.
56th Road and 56th Street. Factory, Gerald O. Kaye and Ass Inc., Crosley and Bendix Appliances, warehouse and office, showrooms, general exterior looking N.W..