Imperial Paint Co., one burner for varnish kettle.
130 East 15th Street. Burners.
Flat type burner and Welsbach light attached on meter.
Gas Heater "Vulcan" #334N bunson burner.
[Large painting.]
Hotel Imperial, kitchen.
Gas Burner under chafing dish.
Sanitation Supply Corp., gas heated varnish pots.
32nd Street and Broadway. Hotel Imperial.
Hot Water Kettle on Stand with Alcohol Burner
Hand-painted bedroom suite, for Post residence.
130 East 15th Street. Burner.
[Painting of Indians and Pilgrims.]
151st Street and Broadway. H. Moser Bakery, surface combustion burners.
[Two ponies, one painted.]
Sedgwick Avenue and 169th Street. Tracton Co., view of paint spray.
Hotel Imperial.