Map of Charles Wayland [property]
Map of the Hermitage Farm & the Norton Estate
Map of 8 Lots on 11th Avenue for Sale by Franklin & Jenkins, on Wednesday the 14th of January at 12 O'Clock at the Merchant's Exchange.
Map showing the Perimeter of Farms in Bloomingdale and the Old Roads and Lanes as they existed One Hundred Years Ago.
[Map of ground belonging to the persons whose estates are set therin on Bloomingdale Road]
Map of Property Belonging to the Estate of Nicholas Gouverner, Dec'd
The Nicolls Map
[Map of lots from 33rd to 34th Street at the Intersection of 10th Avenue]
Map of New York City Showing the Jumel Estate
Map showing original Boundaries of the Varian, Horn, and Samler Estates.
[Eleven Maps of Midtown Manhattan]
Map of Property Belonging to the Estate of John B. Coles, Decd.
Map of the Bussing, Bradhurst, Watt & Other Estates
Map of New York City, Showing the Jumel Estate.
Map of Part of the City of New York, Showing the Location of the Fox Estate
[Map of John de Peyster's Land]
[Map of the Jumel Estate showing High Bridge Park and the Hudson River]
Map of the City of New York showing original high water line and the location of the different Farms and Estates.