Watering Place on the Road
Martel's New York Central Park
Washington entering New York on the Evacuation of the Royalists
Institution of the Blind
Major Robert Anderson U.S.A.
James Fenimore Cooper
Bay of New York, from the Battery
Pulling Down the Statue of George III by "The Sons of Freedom".
Geo. B. McClellan
The Pride of the South.
[Unidentified house]
[Franconi's Hippodrome.]
Autumn & Winter Fashions for 1849 & 1850 by A. Wheeler No. 4 Courtland St. New York
The Crystal Palace.
Plan of Mt. Vernon, the Home of Washington.
Sidney's map of twelve miles around New-York with the names of property holders, &c., from entirely new & original surveys
James Monroe.
The Shed
Morgan Lewis