New York County Democracy
Liz Holtzman For Senator
American Legion 7th Annual Convention - New York City
I Sell The World New York for One Cent
Dignity - New York
Masonic Temple New York
Delegate - First Democratic City Convention - Greater New York - Sept. 30th 1897
New York County Court House, New York.
President - The Current Events Club
John D. Crimmins - Association of Exempt and Volunteer Firemen of New York City
New York County - Delegate Republican Convention
City Hall Park, Post Office, and Woolworth Bldg., New York.
Hotels Netherland & Savoy, New York
[New York County Courthouse.]
New York - Delegate - American Street Railway Association
Earth Day - New York City - April 22nd 1990
Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association
Automobile Map of Westchester County New York