Northern Section of the United States including Canada & c. by John Melish, 1816.
Map of the State of New York.
Location Map New York and its Environs in its Relation to Nearby New England and Middle Atlantic States and Cities
Map of Long Island & the Vicinity of New York.
Colton's Map of the County of Westchester
A Map of the Provinces of New - York and New Jersey with a part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec
Map of New York and the Adjacent Cities.
Map of the country thirty three miles around the city of New York
Southern Section of the United States including Florida & c. by John Melish, 1816.
Carta particolare della Nuoua Belgia e parte della Nuoua Anglia.
A Map of New England and New York
A Map of the Country of the Five Nations
New York Metropolitan District
Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non partis Virginiae tabula multis in locis emendata.
Map of Bronx River Pipeline Showing Source of Supplying Portions of 23rd and 24th Wards
Map of the City of New York
Recens Edita Totius Novi Belgii, in America Septentrionali.