The New-York Elephant
Life in New York No.1: The Bo_k. Hump'ey Get's The Sack
The Horse for the Money.
View from South Melrose.
This Man Forgot to Shut the Door!
This Man Was Talked to Death.
[Page from "The Comic Monthly".]
Sprague's Trip to the Mountains in Sept 1814
[Noise Laws in New York City.]
The Independent Gold Hunter On His Way To California
The Firemen's Career
New - York Bay and the Narrows
Misery. Happiness.
To Avoid a Smash We Sell for Cash.
Some Pumpkins.
New York Institution for the Blind
Let The Police Courts Be Furnished With Mechanical Magistrates
The Great Exhibition of 1851.
Life in a New York Apartment
The Bottom Out