Map of the Louvre Farm
Map of the West Bayard Farm.
Map of Kip's Bay Farm.
Map of the Stuyvesant Property known as Petersfield Farm
Map of the Rutger's Farm as Existed in 1784.
Map of Property Belonging Samson Adolphus Benson Lying in the 12th Ward of the City of New York
Map of the Common Lands from 26th Street To 43rd Street.
Map showing the Perimeter of Farms in Bloomingdale and the Old Roads and Lanes as they existed One Hundred Years Ago.
Map of Property Belonging to Various Estates Between 129th and 147th Streets and 5th and 12th Avenues
Map of Property lying on each side of Broadway ormerly known as the Calk Hook
Map of Property Lying on each side of Broadway formerly known as the Calk Hook.
Map of New York City, Showing the Jumel Estate.
Map of the Haring or Herring Farm
Map of Charles Wayland [property]
Map of the Borough of the Bronx, New York City. Prepared expressly for J. Clarence Davies & Co., Real Estate.
Map of the Bussing, Bradhurst, Watt & Other Estates
Map showing original Boundaries of the Varian, Horn, and Samler Estates.
Map of the 779 Lots Belonging to the Estates of Bradish Johnson, Inc. and Martin Schrenkeisen
Map of the Jumel, Murray, Burrall, Dickey & other Estates
Map of the Estate of John Hopper