The Funeral of Daniel O'Connell
Washington entering New York on the Evacuation of the Royalists
Mose and Lize on the 3rd Avenue N.Y.
Inconvenience of Wearing Coffee Bag Skirts
Bay of New York, from the Battery
Autumn & Winter Fashions for 1849 & 1850 by A. Wheeler No. 4 Courtland St. New York
Morgan Lewis
Steven Van Rensselaer
Plan of Mt. Vernon, the Home of Washington.
Isaac Shelby
Monument to Thos. Freeborn, Pilot, Lost in the Ship John Minturn, February 15, 1846.
James Monroe.
The Day Before Marriage.
James Fenimore Cooper
Morrison's Cheap Store 186 & 188 Greenwich St., New York.
Great Riot at the Astor Place Opera House, New York.
The Marriage.
City of New York
The Tompkins Blues of New York