Old Sledge Belonging to Andrew McGowan, N.Y. 1788
Central Park & McGown's Pass [Central Park]
Central Park & McGown's Park [Central Park]
[Planned Elevation of the Old City Hall formerly standing in Wall Street in the City of New York, as it was in the years 1745, 1746, 1747]
[Plan of the City of New York]
Map of City of New York.
[Plan of the City of New York and Its Environs.]
Principal Map of the North Part of New - York Island, exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen
Plan of the Central Park, City of New York, 1860.
A Map of the Common Lands between the three and six mile stones belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York
A Plan of the City of New-York drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General, 1776
Plan of the City of New York
A Plan of the City of New York