Pulling Down the Statue of George III by "The Sons of Freedom".
"The Hoe" Printing Press, Machine & Saw Manufactory
Bartlett & Green's Free and Bonded Warehouses and Elevators
Coming from the Trot
Prospect Park.
View of Williamsburgh, L.I.
Birds-Eye View of Calvary Cemetery
The Household Pets.
W. D. Wilson & Co. Printing Ink Factory, West Avenue, Long Island City
Watering Place on the Road
George Wilkes. Late Robert Fillingham, on the Road.
Broadway, New-York. Showing each Building from the Hygeian Depot corner of Canal Street, to beyond Niblo's Garden.
Star of the North.
Illustration of a Great Event in the History of the City of New York.
Bay of New York, from the Battery
Autumn & Winter Fashions for 1849 & 1850 by A. Wheeler No. 4 Courtland St. New York
Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, New-York