["The Jewish Gypsy" ["Di yidishe tsigaynerke".]
"Oy mame, bin ikh farlibt" ["Oy Mama! Am I in Love!".]
["The Roumanian Wedding" theater still.]
"Rebecca, the Rabbi's Daughter" ["Rivkele dem rebens".]
"The Roumanian Wedding"
"A milyoner oyf tsures" ["A Millionaire in Trouble".]
"A shidukh fun himl" ["A Match Made in Heaven".]
"Di brider Ashkenazi" ["The Brothers Ashkenazi".]
"A khasene oyf der ist sayd" ["A Wedding on the East Side".]
"Di eybige mame" ["The Eternal Mother".]
"Di kishefmakherin" ["The Witch".]
"Di eybige mame" ["The Eternal Mother"].
"Kreyd-tsirkl" ["The Chalk Circle".]
"The Half King"
"Mirele Efros"
"The American Rabbi's Wife"
"The Brothers Ashenazi"
"The Witch"
"The Family Carnovsky"
"The Final Balance"