[Arnold Moss as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night".]
[Arnold Moss as Prospero in "The Tempest".]
[Maurice Evans as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night".]
[Arnold Moss as The Duke in "Measure for Measure".]
[Arnold Moss as the Earl of Gloucester in "King Lear".]
[Arnold Moss as Walter Burns and Lew Parker as Hildy Johnson in "The Front Page".]
[Maurice Evans as Malvolio and Helen Hayes as Viola in "Twelfth Night".]
[Helen Hayes as Viola and Maurice Evans as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night".]
[Arnold Moss as Colonel Janik in "The Dark is Light Enough" .]
[E. H. Sothern as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night".]
[Arnold Moss as Colonel Janik in "The Dark is Light Enough".]
[Arnold Moss as Count Waldemar Czarniko in "The Land is Bright".]
[Arnold Moss as Antonio and Franchot Tone as Philip Rawlings in "The Fifth Column".]