[Broadway and 38th Street.]
Broadway North from 38th Street.
Broadway, North from 38th Street.
[Broadway, looking north from 38th Street.]
Broadway, Corner of 38th Street.
Broadway and 38th Street [Broadway & 26th Street to Broadway & 42nd Street]
[20 West 38th Street.]
[406 West 38th Street]
[Broadway North from 38th St.]
[452 West 38th Street]
Fifth Avenue near 38th Street. Emily Shops, storefront
[38th Street and Madison Avenue.]
[Fifth Avenue and 38th Street.]
[5th Avenue and 38th Street.]
[6th Avenue and 38th Street.]
Lord & Taylor, Fifth Avenue and 38th Street.
West 38th Street and Eighth Avenue, southeast corner. Construction site. Demolition and excavation