Rendering of twelve-story apartment building by Watkeys.
Rendering, ten-story apartment building.
Colored rendering of a four story store building.
[Drawing of a twelve-story building.]
[Rendering of apartment buildings.]
Water color rendering of bank.
East 69th Street. Rendering, 16 story apartment building
41 Central Park West. Apartments, twelve-story graystone.
Twelve-story and penthouse apartments, Hon. Julius Miller Dwelling Project, Rendering by G.L. Scheffler, 1930.
Water color rendering, Steward Mansion. Mitchell Place.
Rendering of apartment house, 27 stories high.
[16-story apartment building.]
Watercolor rendering, sketch for seven-story building.
Twelve story block front building, California [California Building?], pencil line drawing.
Watercolor Perspective rendering of 28-story building.
[Apartment building.]
22nd Street. Apartment building, architectural rendering.
563 Park Avenue and 62nd Street, N.E. corner. Red brick apartment building, twelve-stories.
Eighteen-story building with dome. Artist rendering