Wanamaker's Department Store, New York.
John Wanamaker Buildings, New York.
Shoppers and Carriages Outside Wanamakers.
Broadway Series. View of Broadway looking north toward 10th Street. Wanamaker's at right (Nos. 772-786). Grace Church in center.
[Union Square showing 16th Street.]
Broadway Series. West side of Broadway. Looking north from 8th Street. #759 on corner - United Cigar Store. Grace Church shows in distance.
[55-57 Hester Street.]
The Wannamaker Store, New York
[Broadway looking north toward 10th Street.]
[Cortlandt Street.]
Broadway Series. East side of Broadway looking south from corner of 11th Street, toward 10th Street showing Grace Church and Wanamaker's, old and new building.
[Closed Sunday.]
Broadway Series. View of the east side of Bway looking north from 9th Street. Wanamaker's is seen at right (corner of the new building, and all the old, extending to 10th St.) Grace Church in center o
[Chickering Hall.]
Education, Cash Boys' School at Wanamaker's.
[No. 51 South Street near Cuyler's Alley.]
Broadway and 10th Street [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street]
[A.T. Stewarts retail store.]