[Tablet for Marinus Willett on Broad Street and Beaver Street.]
[Table for Marinus Willet on Broad Street and Beaver Street.]
[On Marketfield Street, corner of Broad Street.]
[Tablet and inscription on building at 15 Maiden Lane.]
[Tablet on New York Cotton Exchange.]
[Stone tablet inscription about the history of Nassau Street.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street
67 Broad Street. International Telephone and Telegraph Building
67 Broad Street. International Telephone Building. Main entrance detail
[Tallmadge Memorial, Fraunces Tavern.]
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building.
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Entrance.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [From Bowling Green.]
[Plaque on west side of Stone Street.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Comany Building, 67 Broad Street [Detail of tower.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Facade and tower detail.]
[Tablet commemorating the site of the second presidential mansion.]