[Ruins of Barnum's Museum.]
Detectives' Museum. 600 Broadway.
Barnum's American Museum
Broadway [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street.]
[Donald Judd House and Museum, 101 Spring Street.]
Soho Gallery
Scudder's American Museum
Gallery in Soho (Robert Longo at Metro Pictures)
304 Hudson Street. American Ever Ready Co., annealing oven and blast furnace.
Ruins of Barnums Museum
[137, 139 and 141 Greene Street.]
Varick Street and Charlton Street. American Chocolate Co. [?] factory, rendering by T. de Portels sp.?.
American Museum of Safety
[American Museum of Natural History.]
This Entitles Sarah Willets to Free Admission for Life to the New York Gallery of Fine Arts