[66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior.]
[Guaranty Trust Company Building.]
66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, entrance
[66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, entrance.]
66 Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, President Sabin's room
Guaranty Trust
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company. Entrance
[Guaranty Trust Company entrance.]
Guaranty Trust Co. Bldg
[Sherry Building, Guaranty Trust Company.]
[Sidewalk clock and Guaranty Trust Company building.]
Guaranty Trust Co. Nassau & Cedar Sts.
[German American Insurance Company Building, Liberty Street.]
Guaranty Trust Co. Building, Madison Av. and 60th St.
Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Worth Street [West side of Broadway between Liberty and Cortlandt Streets.]