[Old Kingsbridge Gas Works.]
[Inwood Hill Park -James McCreery house from lower roads looking east.]
[Inwood Hill Park.]
Broadway and 205th Street. Gas Works at Inwood.
[Inwood Hill Park, lower road looking north.]
[Inwood Hill Park, lower road looking east.]
[Stable in Inwood Hill Park.]
[Inwood Hill Park-lower road looking east.]
[Inwood Hill Park landscape.]
[Inwood Hill Park, upper road looking south.]
[Inwood Hill Park, looking north up hill from upper road at south end of M.(?) Donald House ]
House of Mercy, Inwood - on - Hudson, New York City.
[Tulip Tree, Inwood.]
[Inwood Hill Park, looking north.]
[Emilio Gabriel Diaz by Inwood's tulip tree.]
[Inwood Hill Park, lower road looking south.]