[St. Nicholas Church.]
[Dutch Reformed Church, Broome Street.]
[Interior of Our Lady of Esperanza Church.]
St. Alphonsus Church New York.
[Broadway, looking north to Grace Church.]
Second Congregational Church
Church of the Messiah
St. Ambros Church, Cor. of Prince and Thompson St.
Broome Street & Greene Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
[Interior of St. Illuminator's Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street.]
St. Thomas' Church, Broadway.
St. Thomas' Church, Broadway
McDougal St Baptist Church N. York
Church of the Ascension, Canal Street N.Y.
120th Anniversary Services "Old Spring Street Church"
St. Alphonsus Liguori Church
470 Broome St. N.W. Cor. Green [Greene] St.
[St. Ambrose Church, corner of Prince Street and Thompson Street.]
[512-514 Broome Street]
[Group of children watching a performance.]