[St. Nicholas Church.]
[Dutch Reformed Church, Broome Street.]
[Interior of Our Lady of Esperanza Church.]
[Broadway, looking north to Grace Church.]
Second Congregational Church
St. Alphonsus Church New York.
Church of the Messiah
[Interior of St. Illuminator's Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street.]
Broome Street & Greene Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
St. Ambros Church, Cor. of Prince and Thompson St.
St. Thomas' Church, Broadway.
St. Thomas' Church, Broadway
McDougal St Baptist Church N. York
[St. Ambrose Church, corner of Prince Street and Thompson Street.]
120th Anniversary Services "Old Spring Street Church"
470 Broome St. N.W. Cor. Green [Greene] St.
Church of the Ascension, Canal Street N.Y.
St. Alphonsus Liguori Church
[Group of children watching a performance.]
[512-514 Broome Street]