[Hood Wright Place.]
[Gate on Fort Washington Avenue to Hood Wright Place at 175th Street.]
[Looking through the lane through Hood Wright Place west from Broadway.]
[Barn on Hood Wright Place.]
[Hood Wright Estate.]
[J. Hood Wright Park]
[Broadway looking south from 176th Street, the Hood Wright Estate.]
[Entrance to James Gordon Bennett Place.]
[Entrance to Audubon Park at 156th Street.]
[Entrance to apartment complex at 45 Wadsworth Terrace.]
Audubon Ave. [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
[Looking west from Fort Washington Avenue at 175th Street.]
[Fort Washington Avenue, looking north west from between 174th and 175th Streets.]
[Entrance to the apartment complex at 658-666 West 188th Street.]
[Looking southeast on Magaw Place, from 182nd Street to 183rd Street.]
Buildings, Broadway & 155th to 156th Sts.
[499 West 175th Street]
Wadsworth Avenue [Temple Street to Wall Street]