[Elizabeth Street at the corner of Prince Street.]
[South Street at the corner of Peck Slip.]
[Monroe Street, corner of Rutgers Street.]
[Two boys on the corner of Madison Street and Pike Street.]
[64 Beekman Street at the corner of Gold.]
[Doyers Street.]
[Garbage along Mott Street.]
[Orchard Street push carts, the Saturday prior to the abolition of push carts.]
[Mott Street from Chatham Square elevated railroad station.]
[Rivington Street, corner of Allen Street to Orchard Street.]
[All Saints Church, at the corner of Henry Street and Scammel Street.]
[30 Sutton Place South at corner of 54th Street.]
[Oak Street.]
[East 18th Street, west of 3rd Avenue.]
[64 Beekman Street, corner of Gold Street.]
[135 Cherry Street.]