[Albert Gallatin's tomb, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Grave of Lord Stirling, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Oldest stone Trinity Churchyard.]
[Grave of Lord Stirling, William Alexander, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Sidney Breese tombstone, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Trinity Church, cross atop spire gilded.]
[Alexander Hamilton memorial, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Trinity Church, tomb of Morgan.]
[Alexander Hamilton Monument, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Robert Fulton's Monument, Trinity Churchyard.]
[Trinity Place entrance to Trinity Churchyard.]
[Trinity Churchyard, monument to patriots who died in British prisons.]
[Marker in memory of Francis Lewis, New York signer of the Declaration of Independence, erected in 1947.]
[Trinity Church.]
[Trinity Church monument.]
[Trinity Churchyard, headstone of William Bradford.]
[Equitable Building and Trinity Church.]
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Memorial tomb to Captain James Lawrence, commander of the frigate Chesapeake