[View of Battery and New York Aquarium.]
[View of New York Aquarium (formerly Castle Garden) at Battery.]
Battery Aquarium and Barge Office.
Aquarium and Battery Park, New York
New York Aquarium, Battery Park
Aquarium in Battery Park and New York Harbor.
New York Aquarium, Battery Park.
Aquarium and Battery Park, New York City.
Aquarium, Battery Park, New York.
[Battery Park A. Docked ships at the Battery ; B. New York Aquarium--Battery .]
New York City, Battery Park Aquarium Formerly Castle Garden and Harbor
[The Aquarium, Battery Park.]
Aquarium, Battery Park and Hudson River, New York City.
[Possibly the New York Aquarium.]
Main Floor View, New York Aquarium.
Aquarium, New York.
Aquarium; Battery Park.
Aquarium and Battery Place, New-York.