[Columbia Building, 29 Broadway.]
29 Broadway. Office building
[West side of Broadway between Exchange Alley and Morris Street.]
[29 Broadway.]
198 Broadway. Girard Building.
[Drexel Building, corner of Wall Street and Broad Street, built 1872, torn down in 1914.]
39 Broadway. Harriman Building
[111-115 Broadway, corner of Thames Street.]
Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Worth Street [29 Broadway.]
[Corner of Wall Street and Broadway, where Irving Trust Co. Building now stands.]
Bldg., 29 B'way, cor. Morris St.
Columbia Trust Company downtown building.
Gillender Building
Wall Street at the corner of Water Street. Wall and Water Street Building.
Buildings, Lefcourt Marlboro Building, Northwest Corner of Broadway & 36th Street.
[120 Broadway, Equitable Insurance Company Building.]
29 Broadway. Interior, lobby
Empire Building, Broadway