[Photographer with tripod set up to take a portrait of two women and a girl]
[Photographer with tripod set up to take a portrait of two women and a man]
[Photographer with tripod set up in wooded area]
[Photographer with tripod set-up]
[Photographer taking a portrait outside of a tintypes booth in the snow]
[Photographer setting up his camera in front of an automobile]
Taking Pictures in the Bronx
[Small farm dwellings next to a large road]
[Portrait of four children]
[Woman standing a lake, photographing another woman who is perched to dive]
[Street scene with elevated railroad curve and bridge in distance]
[Railroad yard with cars, "C.R.R. of N.J" on side of train]
Corner of Southern Boulevard [large wooden house]
Mansion at Bronx Park
General [Richard] Howe's Headquarters, Throggs Neck
Colonial Mansion, Throggs Neck
[Unidentified street scene, row of clapboard buildings with businesses on the ground floor]
New East River Bridge approach with fish market [in the background]