The Great International Yacht Race, August 8, 1870.
The Narrows, New York Bay.
The Narrows. New York Bay.
Mayflower Saluted By the Fleet.
The Race for the Queen's Cup
The Great Ocean Yacht Race.
New York Yacht Club. Regatta for 1856
The Great Bartholdi Statue, Liberty Enlightening the World.
Yachts, Golden Fleece.
Skyline of New York City from Staten Island, Ferry Boat.
The Yacht "Madeleine," N.Y. Yacht Club.
Clubs, New York Yacht Club.
View of New York Harbor from the Battery
New York Yacht Club.
Yachts, Seawanaka Yacht Club Races.
Hitler's Yacht Tied Up in New York Harbor
Yachts, "Edgar F. Luckenbach", Committee Boat for the New York Yacht Club.
Yachting in New York Harbor