Interior, Office of Shoe Co.
Interiors, Office of Libman, Spanjer Corp.
Office of Chief Engineers, R. Martens & Co. Inc.
Stores, Merit Shoe $2.50.
Italian Line Freight Office, 24 State Street, Interior, Office from Side.
French Line, 19 State St., Interior, Mr. Hendersons' Office.
Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Grand Central RR Offices.
Lincoln & Ulmer, Cigar Manufacturers.
Hamburg American Line, 39 Broadway, Interior, First Class Offices with Paintings on Wall.
Theatrical, Dramatic Mirror Office.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Library from the Southeast Corner.
Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Interior, Main Office.
Henry W. Savage's Offices.
Keuffel & Esser Co., Drawing Materials and Surveying Instruments, Interior.
California Association Raisin Co.
Films, Dressler & Co. Factory. Motion Picture Machines.
Joseph J. Keyser Co., 225 West 36th St., Interior, Dress Making Factory.
R. Martens & Co. [Proof Sheet].
Interiors, Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Offices, Safes, Filing Cabinets.
Plays, "The Brother Officers".