Plans of the Baptist Church Amity St.
Plan and Chancel End of the Baptist Church in Amity St. N.Y.
[Church facade.]
[Inside of a church.]
[Church floorplan.]
A Screen for to hide a [...]ecefary.
House 301 Mulberry St.
Plan of Basement Story. Plan of Principal Story.
Plan for the Principal Stairs to W. Coster's House to be of Marble the Story is 13 feet high, 24 rifers 7 3/8 and 1/8 inch over
[Three drawings of a building on 2nd Avenue and 8th Street.]
[St. John's Church]
Front Elevation of James Meinells Houses Broadway
Plan of Stairs Designed for Washing Costers House, Corner of Bleecker & Thompson St to be Built of Italian Marble February 2th 1838 By Samuel Dunbar Architect & Builder, 3/4 inch to one foot
[Architectural drawing.]
[Floor plan.]
[Building facade.]