Church, 240 West 35th St.
Church, St. James, Brooklyn.
Churches, Church of the Transfiguration (The Little Church Around the Corner).
Education, Cooking Class, Christ Church Memorial House.
Church, Bethel, 25th St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Charities, People's Baths, Milbank Memorial.
Union M.E.
Christ's Church, Library.
55th St. - 5th Ave.
Christ Church House.
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City.
The N.Y. Foundling Hospital -- Chapel.
[Sixth Avenue Looking North from 34th Street.]
Church, St. Francis Xavier, 16th St. & 6th Ave., Jubilee Procession.
Saint Thomas.
[Seamen's Church Institute, 25 South St., The Bldg. from Across the Park.]
Hotel Biltmore, Interiors, Ball room.
Plays, "Sunny South".