Sultar Disinfectant Co. (Mr. William Knight).
Retail Trade: Drug Store - 1907. Burdsall Drug Co.
Westchester Avenue at the corner of Simpson Street. Riker's Drug Store interior.
Stores, Dry Goods Store (Old Time).
Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar Cures Coughs, Colds, &c.
Retail Trade Druggist.
Sperry & Hutchinson.
Rossman & Bracken, Plumbers.
Rikers Drug Store.
Retail Trade Shoes 1906, J.D. Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.
Fifth Avenue and 34th-35th Streets.
3rd Avenue near 150th Street. Piser Bros. Furniture Store interior.
W.J. Sloane, Carpets Rug & Furniture, 19th St. & Broadway.
Retail Trade - Men's Clothes - Moe Levy & Co. 1908.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store, general interior.
35 Nassau Street. Hanan & Sons interior looking toward entrance.