Equitable Trust Company, 15 Nassau St. (Corner of Pine).
Broadway, Corner of Pine St.
15 Broad Street. Equitable Trust Company Building
Carnegie Trust Co.
[Equitable Trust Company.]
15 Broad Street. The Equitable Trust Company
Banks, Title Guarentee & Trust Co.
Banks, Carnegie Trust Co., 115 Broadway.
Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co., Wilmington Trust Co.
Diebold Safe and Lock Co., Wyoming Valley Trust Co., Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Commercial Trust Co.'s Safe Deposit Vault, Phila., Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co.
[Broadway looking north from Pine Street, showing Equitable Life Assurance Company and Franklin Trust Company]
Wall Street corner Nassau Street. Gillender Building.
Chase Nat. Bank Bldg. Pine & Nassau Sts.
Nassau Street and Pine Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
Buildings, Silver House, 32 Pearl St.