George Washington at Valley Forge.
General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton.
Alexander Hamilton as a Soldier
George Washington entering New York in 1783
Washington and His Generals
Washington Crossing the Deleware at Trenton N.J. Dec. 25, 1776.
Washington's Triumphal Entry in New York, November 25th, 1783.
Washington Crossing the Delaware.
Washington's Interview with his Mother.
Washington's Entry into New York.
Evacuation of New York, Nov. 25, 1783.
Rich'd Montgomery
Washington entering New York on the Evacuation of the Royalists
Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of New York
Washington Taking Command of the American Army.
Centennial of the Evacuation of New York by the British Army
Centennial Home Insurance Company. [Calendar for August 1876.]